Monday, June 27, 2011

Sweet Petite debut

So my debut at Sunday's Pilsen Community Market was an unforeseen success. Saturday's bake-a-thon resulted in the creation of over 130 individual pastries, some sleep deprivation and a bit of carpal tunnel syndrome. I sold out of all of my items with the exception of 6 measly tartlets.

A special thanks to Kevin (husband/dishwasher/salesman extraordinaire) and all of my friends who came out to support me. I was absolutely terrified, but their presence made a gorgeous summer day even lovelier.

I will be back at the market on July 10th, and will continue throughout the remainder of the summer. I'll be listing those dates on my website: as well as my Sweet Petite Facebook page:!/SweetPetiteChicago


  1. yay! congrats! i am sorry i missed it but will be there next time :)

  2. Dawn! This is amazing! I can't wait to come down and say hi and eat some pastries and hear all about it!!

  3. Hey, thanks guys! Stop by and keep me company!
